Robot Labs
- WebKat (Web Kbnowledge acquired tasks): This repo with website shows our appraoch to create actionable knowledge graphs robots can use to perform task variations of cutting actions. It will soon be covering other action categories as well.
- Virtual Research Building Labs: On this website you find more robots labs, e.g. for table setting or learning from demonstration.
- Task Learning Lab: On this website you find a lab where you can try out our appraoch to task learning, which is based on integrating semantics from actionable knowledge graphs.
Knowledge Graphs
- Product KG: My product knowledge graph website with all necessary sources and API to access the graph for applications.
- Product KG application page: My product knowledge graph application website with many applications, such as a nutrition recommender or a recipe recommender and a product ingredient analysis.
- triply DB: On triply you can access my knowledge graphs.
- Tutorial material for AKR class: Here you can find the Tutorial material for my lecture "Actionable Knowledge Representation".
- Fall School 22: At the EASE fall school 22 I gave a Hands-On Tutorial on Creating Knowledge Graphs.
Augmented Reality Apps
- HoloLens Shopping App: In this repo you find the source code for an AR app developed for the HoloLens that accesses the product kg to provide you with information (such as allergens, ingredients and labels) about products in shelves.
- Smartphone Subsitute App: In this repo you find the source code for an app that accesses the product kg to provide you with information about substitute ingredients in recipes.
- Smartphone Museum App: In this repo you find the source code for an app that recognises images to then access wikidata for information about the recognised image and display it in AR.
Helper repos
- REST call in Unity: In this repo you find an example source code to access a knowledge graph via REST using Unity.